It was hard enough for me to abandon a methodology that used
compulsion, force, fear and pain to control dogs and make them do what I
wanted, not what they were doing. It
took a long time to overcome that, especially as the trainer friends I had at
that time didn’t understand my journey, the reasons for it and that I saw so
much potential with a different body of knowledge. They were all into “but what we do works” and “the
other ways takes too long” and “you’ll have to have cookies in your pocket forever”
as well as many other not quite so nice explanations about how wrong I was
I knew that one day inevitably someone would commend me for
that journey from force to reward, what I didn’t expect was that the journey
didn’t stop there. There was more to
discover then just giving a dog a cookie for a job well done. Other than seeing the new skill you have taught,
what I was searching for was a way to truly create a dog that thinks. It takes
courage to seek out new methods and be okay with what others may think….be it
the positives or the negatives.
If you have the courage to step away from the accepted, the
scientific, the traditional and customary;
If you have the courage to truly examine the basis for myths, old wives
tales, rigid dogmatism and a need to control and try something new. If you have
that courage, even when the end is unclear and even though you know what you
have done in the past would work again and again, you will reap rewards so
great it will blow you away.
In 2011 I started exploring.
I’ve known for long that giving control back to a human gave that human
a better handle on life, why could not the same be done for a dog. I was looking for a way to do that. With Susan Garrett’s Recallers class and all
the information she presented about how to create teaching games, I finally
found the solution and combined with the structured games used in Montessori,
Summerhill, and other progressive human schools Canine Game Theory was born.
Canine Game Theory is not just training a behavior in a new
way but changing the entire training ethos in a world that only marginally
supports it, and that support was in child education, not dogs. I knew in my
heart it was the way forward and along the way I questioned myself if I'd made
the right decision. As time goes on I get confirmation (from results) that I
most definitely made the right choice. It still feels uncomfortable at times,
especially those times when a potential client choses another trainer, but now
I love creating new games, games that teach a dog how to solve problems; games
that teach a dog and its human how to think, to reason, to explore and even be
Canine Game Theory is still evolving. It now covers not only basic obedience but
foundation behaviors for dealing with a human world, behavior modification for
shy dogs, aggressive and reactive dogs, snake avoidance, prey drive, and (my
favorite) service, therapy and assistance dogs.
Canine Game Theory is easy to teach to new clients, both the
furry and the skin type. The learning
curve is nearly non-existent. You just
play games. But the thing with teaching
something new is that it takes COURAGE! It
takes the same courage that astronauts have, top athletes, innovators in all
walks of life and the person who starts a corner café in the middle of a war
torn country.
So come walk this journey with me. Come play with me. And may you and your dog never be the same