
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Perception - Part II

Why is that humans have a tendency to react all out of proportion when they think they have been criticized?  I'm not talking about real criticism, just the perception of it.  What causes such a vicious reaction to a simple statement that the impression you give off is critical when trying to change perception.

Could it be that the person who is reacting, deep down actually realizes that what they are doing is exactly what was said?  That the methods they use, the public display of those methods and the way they dress and act will affect what others think?  That the world doesn't revolve around them?  Do they actually feel some guilt and they just can't admit it because being wrong would mean death? Or are they more interested in insisting on their own rightnesses than they are in finding truth?

Being right or being wrong is also perception.  There is no "right" or "wrong", there is only agreement on what is right or wrong and even that agreement has rules to it - such as: that you can do a wrong if the justification is good enough or will save a life.

Most people, in my experience, have a need to be "right" irregardless of reality (and again, reality is only agreements on what really is real).  I even had a relative tell me one time that the encyclopedia was wrong and that he was right. Why do they HAVE to be RIGHT?  Because being wrong means they are one step closer to being invisible in their own minds.  Being wrong is a threat to their ego, their beingness and in some cases - their life.

People will actually change reality, in their own minds, to fit their need to be right. These types of people are more interested in asserting their own rightness than in being right.  These people will actually repeat the wrong action just to prove they are right.  Close to the definition of insanity - repeating something that doesn't work hoping that one day it will actually work.

Why, if a person IS right, would they object so vehemently to what they DO being displayed in an article?

Link to the first post

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